Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Boots And The Fanny Pack

Driving down the long driveway to Kaiaua the perfect camping spot then the camper hits a balder in the road! Everyone in the car squeals and our driver Boots hits on the brakes and brings the car to a halt. Everyone gets out of the car in a huff to see what the damage of the van was. All of sudden a magical fairy falls from the sky with a magical deodorant to fix the extremely damaged van. The fairy handed the magical deodorant to Boots who thanked her and slipped it in his fanny pack, they all climbed back in the van eager to see the magical deodorant work. Boots gets the magical deodorant out of his fanny pack, then sprays it all over the van not noticing it go in Randy’s eyes. Randy reachers for the wet wipes in the side of the door, then accidentally pulls the lever, the door flies open and he falls out onto the shiny sand of Kailua, camping time! Everyone hops out of the van in excitement and runs to check on Randy who is lying on the sand. Boots checks on the van and in shock it is magically fixed you would never have known it was broken, now time for a swim.

This is the work I did with RileyElla and Me
It was a challenge, we had to write a sentence one by one and create a story with it. First we had to come up with four categories, Character, Settings, Object and Incident. I think we did quite a good job.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Reporting Inappropriate Behaviour

This work is about how and what to do if someone is being mean to you online. I did this with my best friend Riley.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Today we were learning about netiquette. George was my buddy and we thought it would be a cool idea to have two different characters talking to each other. I really enjoyed poly lining the dog Ogo and writing the formal chat. I found the informal one quite challenging because I do not normally write informal things I would rather write formal things. Next time I think I will have more characters to work with and use my time better with the informal chat.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Herman The Worm

This is a piece of art that I made with one of my best friends Ella. It was quite hard to make because we were in separate rooms and each had a different image that we had to describe to each other and create an art that merged both elements. It was difficult because I confused the swan for a kiwi. In the end it turned out okay and we learnt lots of new things and tools to communicate. My favorite part is herman the worm which was a last minute decision but it really finished the art well.

Friday, August 24, 2018

My Writing

I am proud of this piece of work because I put lots of effort the publishing and the writing is very descriptive.

While writing this piece I learnt how to properly construct writing, and how to make a really descriptive and hooking piece of writing.

Next time when writing I would like to concentrate on being descriptive but not going to descriptive and keeping on the writings topic.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Nau mai, haere mai

Welcome to my blog for learning.

I will be using this blog to share my learning.
Please follow my blog and comment on my learning, so that I can learn from you too.